Category Archives: New Release

Release notes – 12 October 2015


Without further ado, this is what we’ve been working on: • Calendar Board – we are releasing the first version of global calendar. It is a full size page, just like your project’s Calendar to see all your project’s tasks, events,

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Calendar Board – a view from above


We want to improve a few things in Freedcamp next year – add more global and user friendly views for you and allow to track/see your projects progress across the board. One of our goals is to provide you with

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Subtasks – few weeks from launch


Hundreds of teams asked for Subtasks. We listened. We are in final stages of testing and will release them shortly. You will be able to add, edit, and delete subtasks in Freedcamp. See how subtasks will look like in List and

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Release notes – 26 July 2015

New features launched in July: – Use a project as a template – new module is out – Edit your project groups directly on the Dashboard – see how – You can now show/hide ‘Recent Projects’ on Dashboard – check here

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Add Tables via our WYSIWYG


We try to keep our CKEditor  as minimal as possible because you do not need every possible option: Ideally it would be as simple as GMail’s edtior: So if you really want to post a table in your task, discussion or

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Issue Tracker – export to XLS and issue ID in email notifications

We found time this release to make a few highly requested small improvements in Issue Tracker application – issue ID is now included into email notification’s subject and message. – now you can export all or open only (not closed

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Use any project as a template – new module is out


After extended testing with our beta testers we have released the new Project Templates add-on. It is available from our Marketplace for just $2.99 a month or $34 for a year. Check it out – we have a 14 days

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Edit your project groups directly on Dashboard


You no longer need to visit Manage Projects page to rename project groups or delete them. We added an option to the Dashboard to do this. Please remember deleting a group will delete all the projects inside as well. We show you

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Hide ‘Recent Projects’ on Dashboard


When you have a lot of projects we help you easily find the most recent projects on top of the Dashboard. We now allow you to hide recent projects.

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Release notes – 4 July 2015

Here is a short list of changes we made in our last release. As mentioned before we are spending most of our time on iOS application and API. – Manage projects page now allows you to hide completed projects. This feature was

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