Category Archives: Misc

Updates to Freedcamp’s Privacy Policy

Thank you for trusting us with your personal information – we know it’s a wild web out there and we value your choice to rely on Freedcamp for your projects, goals, and teamwork. We are working hard to continue to

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Why Freedcamp is better than Asana and Trello in Project Management

Freedcamp better than Trello and Asana

Project management is an important part of any business, from small, one-person operations to huge companies. But choosing the right task management solution isn’t always easy. You need to find a project management solution that has all the functionality you

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The Future of Project Management with Ai

robot ai project manager

You’re a project manager on the cutting edge, always looking for ways to boost productivity and streamline workflows. The project management landscape is evolving fast, with new tools and techniques emerging that can take your projects to the next level.

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Freedcamp Featured in App of the day

We’re honored to have been featured in the App of the day publication here. You can read about the CEO of Freedcamp and how the company developed its mobile application.

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How to Break Big Tasks Into Smaller Pieces

Introduction We’ve all been there before. You’re staring at a huge project, whether it’s a work assignment, a home improvement project, or anything in between, and you have absolutely no idea where to even begin. It can be overwhelming to

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The Most Common Project Planning Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)

Introduction Project planning is vital to the success of any project, yet it’s often treated as an afterthought. In many cases, the project manager is so focused on getting the project started that they don’t take the time to properly

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How to Plan a Wedding: A Guide

Introduction Weddings are special occasions that warrant months of planning and preparation. No detail is too small when it comes to weddings, which is why many couples choose to hire professional wedding planners to help them with the logistics. If

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Creating a Minimal Viable Product

Introduction Before taking your business idea to the public, you need to first create what is known as a minimal viable product (MVP). An MVP is a version of your product or service that has enough features to allow people

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Project Management with the Getting Things Done Method

Introduction The Getting Things Done method is a popular productivity system that helps individuals and businesses increase their efficiency. The system was designed by David Allen and has been used by millions of people around the world. One of the

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