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Creating a Minimal Viable Product


Before taking your business idea to the public, you need to first create what is known as a minimal viable product (MVP). An MVP is a version of your product or service that has enough features to allow people to use it and get value from it but not so many features that it becomes overwhelming. In short, it’s the bare minimum you need in order to get started.

Creating an MVP can be a helpful exercise for a number of reasons. It allows you to focus on the most important aspects of your product or service and get feedback from users before investing too much time and money into developing something that may not be desired or used. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of creating an MVP for your business idea.

  1. Define the Problem You’re Solving
    The first step in creating an MVP is to clearly define the problem you’re trying to solve with your product or service. What pain point are you address? What need are you filling? Once you’ve identified the problem you’re solving, you can move on to identifying potential solutions.
  2. Identify Potential Solutions
    There are likely many different ways you could solve the problem you’ve identified. For each potential solution, ask yourself if it’s something that could be built quickly and cheaply. The goal is to find a solution that can be implemented with minimal effort and expense.
  3. Choose the Simplest Solution Possible
    Once you’ve identified a few potential solutions, it’s time to choose the simplest one possible. The key here is to strike a balance between simplicity and effectiveness. You don’t want your MVP to be so simple that it’s not useful, but you also don’t want it to be so complex that it’s impossible to implement quickly and cheaply.
  4. Build Your MVP
    Now that you’ve chosen a solution, it’s time to start building your MVP. Remember, the goal is to create something with just enough features to be useful, but not so many features that it becomes overwhelming. Keep your MVP as simple as possible while still ensuring that it meets the needs of your target market.
    Conduct User Testing
    Once you’ve built your MVP, it’s important to put it in front of actual users as soon as possible and get feedback. This will help you identify any areas where your MVP is falling short and make necessary improvements before taking your product or service to market.


An MVP is a helpful tool for new businesses because it allows them to focus on the most important aspects of their product or service while getting feedback from users. Creating an MVP is a four-step process: defining the problem, you’re solving, identifying potential solutions, choosing the simplest solution possible, and building your MVP. Once you’ve built your MVP, conduct user testing in order to get feedback and make necessary improvements before taking your product or service public. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful minimal viable product for your business idea!