Category Archives: New Release

Spell checking – add dictionaries and use your browser

We had a lot of complaints about spell checking third party plugin we used in Freedcamp so we decided to remove it entirely and expose all text fields in Freedcamp to be spell checked by your browser. Most modern browsers

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Embed YouTube and Vimeo videos to your posts


Now you can embed videos from YouTube & Vimeo to your tasks, discussions and comments. First – simply grab a link as shown. In edit mode in Freedcamp click ‘Source’ button (1) and paste embed code to your post (2).

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Never lose your unsaved work in Freedcamp when you close your browser.

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Notifications are not just via email anymore in Freedcamp


Our goal is to allow you to completely free your Inboxes from Freedcamp emails if you wish. We just released out new Notifications page. Let’s call it version 1.3. Why 1.3? This is because we felt a need for it

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How to switch between List and Kanban views in Freedcamp


When you sign up and create your first project we prompt you to select a preferred way of working with your tasks – lists or cards. You can easily change between them to try it out. You will find a

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Freedcamp’s CEO walks through latest changes – webinar

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Rich editor in To-Do’s, raised upload limit per file to 10MB

Last weekend we added rich text editor in To-Do’s as well as adding a few extra buttons you and we missed most – underline, strikethrough and remove formatting. In January 2015 we increased free file storage from 50MB to 200MB

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Quick tip: see new Freedcamp updates in your browser’s bookmark bar

Instantly see new updates in Freedcamp by adding new Notifications page to bookmarks bar in your browser.

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Easier file previews and thumbnails view in Files application

Now you can quickly find your images by hovering your mouse over file name in Files application. To find and compare file versions – do the same inside a file view page. Navigate quickly inside Files application by switching to

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March 2015 Release – Improved UI, Notifications Page, Dashboard, and more


We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that Freedcamp is now safe to use by the least tech savvy person you know. Get started on a camping trip, shopping list, wedding, or whatever life brings you next. We guarantee you

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