Category Archives: New Release

Files Application is now more like Dropbox with subfolders, advanced search & more


We’ve added a massive improvement to our Files application thanks to our first sponsorship deal going live. Unlimited subfolders, upload folders with files in Chrome, delete file versions, move files around and more. Right click animations to view or open in

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Notifications settings – two changes to improve your experience

Have you accidentally unsubscribed from our newsletter and don’t know how to subscribe back? 😉 Do you feel we send too many emails and missed that tiny unsubscribe link we add to each and every email? Do not mark our

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Help us make the Freedcamp iOS app a reality we can all enjoy!


We recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to help support building our completely free mobile application. With your help we can bring this application to market and help thousands of non-profit organizations and schools manage their projects on the go. There

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Set your home page in Freedcamp


You can now change default (Dashboard) and set your preferred view to be your Home page. You can select from Dashboard, Widgets board, Calendar board or Tasks board. Home page is what you see when you log in and also

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Add your mind maps to projects with MindMup Atlas


Mind maps are an awesome way to visualize large or small ideas. How things are related, and what leads to what. If you have heard of mind maps and would like to use then within Freedcamp here is how you

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Export to XLS – added to Global Tasks board

We’ve added a new option to export only filtered results to Excel in Tasks, Milestones, Time & Issue Tracker. Now you can also export to XLS everything or just filtered tasks across all of your projects from global Tasks Board in

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How to add subtasks


Adding subtasks is easy in Freedcamp. Please click each animated image to zoom in. From task details page. If you use List view in Tasks. If you use Kanban (Sticky notes) view in Tasks.

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Release notes – 7 November 2015


Here’s what we have for you this time around: • Subtasks are now released. More advanced version with more features is coming later this year! • Tasks is the new name for the To-Dos application. • Global Tasks Board is

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Tasks Board


Meet the new Global Tasks Board. You can change task’s status by clicking an icon (1) just like you do when inside a project. All tasks are grouped by project, where each section can be collapsed (2). You also have

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Notifications Page – updated our tutorials

We have updated our documentation adding Notification page how-to. Notifications page is a source of all updates across all of your Freedcamp’s projects. By default, we show unread updates for things you are subscribed to for all of your projects.

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