📢 Latest News from Freedcamp
Posted on April 4, 2020 by Igor Kryltsov

What’s New with Freedcamp?
As we continue our mission to provide better control of your projects, we have some important updates to highlight:
Custom Fields
- You can assign a task to multiple people, the easy way (learn more).
- New filter to show available tasks that takes into account dependencies.
- We are thrilled to welcome Cyberoo. They provide Freedcamp with penetration testing twice a year, ensuring our product is safe against hacking attacks. As a user, they also trust our product for their distributed teams to collaborate, giving Freedcamp the highest stamp of approval.
- We have completed the first round of testing with Cyberoo this year and remediated them.
- Last entered Contact country will be used as a default when you add the next Contact.
- Added ‘PAID’ label to fully paid invoices.
- You can now delete and add payments as well as add a date when a deposit was paid.
- You can edit tags now.
- Export to XLS now includes tags in Tasks, Discussions, calendar, Time, Issue Tracker, and Milestones applications.
- New custom buttons were added in the editor to improve your experience and make your content easier to read.
Project Templates
- All private items in Discussions and Wiki applications are now shared with the project owner regardless if such items were shared with them or not. It allows Freedcamp to include private items when a project copy is made.
Browser extension
Freedcamp partnered with CYBEROO – an innovative cybersecurity company, that uses advanced technologies, AI, and Ethical Hacking skills to deliver a 360° Protection.
Contact Cyberoo with the code FREED15 in the subject line to have a special offer on services like Penetration test, Vulnerability Assessment, Security Awareness, and our CYBER SECURITY SUITE, a detection and response system to advanced attacks that also monitor deep and dark web malicious activities addressed to your company.
For further information
Posted in Freedcamp, New Release, Tips & Hints