Tag Archives: Android

Freedcamp Android – invitation to install and test


The Freedcamp beta app for Android is available for everyone to install from Google Play. Please send us all your feedback to help@freedcamp.com. Please check on what is new in the next release below! Homepage (1) Recent projects are in sync between

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Updates in Android app – push, images and attachments


Get perspective on all your projects from the palm of your hand! This update will help you quickly see the status of your projects without even logging into your desktop… now that’s productivity at its best! – Push Notifications These

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Android App Pre-Release Candidate

After a lot of hard work we have our first release candidate in the Play Store. We need your help to do final testing before we can launch it officially for everyone. Please go to https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.freedcamp.tasks.debug and become a tester, then install

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Android App, the final stretch


We’re so excited to see the app running on our devices almost ready to deploy.  However like anything else, the 90/10 rule always gets you. In our excitement, we are going through every detail and fine tuning, whether your task

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Android Application Status


The Short Update The Freedcamp team and I would like to thank you for your patience regarding the release of the new Android application. We have been working extremely diligently in order to provide you with a high quality application,

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Freedcamp Android App Beta Testing


Great news! We’ve started beta testing our Android application. Once we’ve fixed any issues found by our Beta testers we will launch to the Google Play Store for your enjoyment. Beta testing is closed to Kickstarter Backers.

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Freedcamp is coming to Android


Update July 12, 2017: Freedcamp Android App Beta Testing We are testing alpha version now and will be inviting all Kickstarter supporters who want to beta test Android app at the end of the month.

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