Posts by Igor Kryltsov

Tasks time tracking improvements

We added two extra filters in Tasks: “Has Linked Time” can be used to find tasks with at least one time entry attached or tasks with no time records. “Linked Time Status” is a multiple choice filter to find tasks

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Navigation panel update

Now, conveniently access projects from the navigation panel (1) even when you’re not within a specific project context, such as while exploring global boards, notifications, or recap pages. Use filters (2) to showcase favorite, recent, or custom-filtered projects.

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Switch between fuzzy and exact timestamps

You can now easily switch between fuzzy (“7 years ago”) to exact timestamps (“Jun 5, 2017 22:18”).

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Freedcamp Earns A Spot In The Capterra Shortlist for Gantt Chart Software

Freedcamp is proud to announce its mention in the flagship report of Capterra, a free online service that helps organizations find the right software. Freedcamp is recognized in the 2023 Shortlist for Gantt Chart Software. Have a look at our

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Easy Milestones management with bulk edit

The bulk editing of milestones in Freedcamp project management software can help improve project efficiency, accuracy, and communication, while also saving time and effort for the project manager.

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Issue Tracker updates

Copy & move issues, improved XLS import and reorder with drag and drop.

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Freedcamp Chat updates

We’re releasing some awesome new updates to our Chat application! Mentions are added The chat creator can manage chat users and archive it – now ​you​ know who that person is. New ‘Play video’ action for video files. View file action for chat files

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GitHub, Airtable, Jira & Typeform integrations with Pabbly

Our friends at Pabbly created a few walkthrough videos explaining how you can use Pabbly to integrate Freedcamp with Google Sheets – GitHub – Jira – Typeform – If you wonder why customers love Pubbly and prefer it to Zapier

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Latest news from Freedcamp

We have compiled a summary of last year’s updates that will help you manage your projects more effectively: Chat Chat is now available in the Freedcamp browser app. The Android and iOS native Chat apps have been launched. Freedcamp’s browser app now supports conference calls. The

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Manage your own and your team’s notifications with Freedcamp 🛎️

There is now a bulk action available that allows you to subscribe one or more team members to multiple tasks with one click. Also, you can filter tasks based on your subscription status. Some of the use cases: Subscribe to

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