Latest news from Freedcamp

Here are some fantastic updates to elevate your experience in managing your projects:
Released Custom Statuses.
Launched Table view.
Added the ability to add a new comment in Bulk actions.
Made improvements in previously released new Group By feature.
The Gantt view now supports the % column.
Improved the Kanban view – make it better structured and easier to scan, improved collapsed columns.
You can now select attributes to be shown in the List and Kanban views.
Added drawer view to see an item details on click.
Improved the Agenda view by allowing to see a bigger time frame.
Mobile Apps
We added a global and project-level search that can be accessed from the ‘Menu’ at the bottom bar. We also made a few smaller improvements and bug fixes. More info in this blog post.
Issue Tracker
Added the Kanban and Table views.
Inline notifications are now supported in Time, Wikis, Discussions, Issue Tracker, and Milestones in addition to Tasks.
The Recap page is now fully interactive.
SMS notifications now include a link to open an item in Freedcamp.
Other improvements
- A sticky header option was added.
- Project Templates – ‘created by’ for all new project items is now a person creating a new project, by default.
- Project Templates – we will not copy items in the trash bin from a source project.
- When adding Freedcamp bookmarks for filtered views – the filters applied are included now.
- Gantt for Projects will use project deadlines if set in the Project Overview application.
- Deleted completed tasks option will not include completed tasks in archived task lists.
- CRM XLS import fixed to import email and phone numbers correctly.
- File preview in edit mode was showing an older file version.
- The project color picker is improved.
- We fixed indent and outdent buttons in the editor.
- ‘Like’ action was broken for items opened from the Calendar board.
- Emojis are supported in any text attributes in Freedcamp now.
- Reports now show the number of projects they contain.