Tag Archives: Freedcamp

So where does the Freedcamp come from


You may wonder where the name Freedcamp comes from. Funny story actually. Many years ago, more than a decade, I had my first experience with a project management tool called Basecamp. I was hesitant at first, but rather quickly the productivity

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Freedcamp officially has more than 1,000,000 users!

About a month ago we hit a whole new milestone in Freedcamp’s history! Our growth has been explosive in the previous year, and it’s only about to skyrocket with a brand new version and many amazing features coming by the end

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The Freedcamp Team Hackathon

We started a new tradition. Once a year all Freedcamp employees will gather somewhere in the world and do a team bonding hackathon experience where we can all work on the awesome ideas we’ve always wanted to build for the

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