Introducing the Files Bin
A while ago we launched Trash Bin for tasks. Adding the same concept in the Files application was challenging but we finally made an effort and released it to all Freedcamp plans.
The Files application is different from other applications – it allows teams not only to upload files directly to it but also serves as a single point of access to all files attached to your tasks, discussions, events, issues, and milestones.
Here is what you need to know.
- a file will be restored to its folder if it exists or to the root folder otherwise;
- files are stored in the Bin for 30 days;
- we restore all the versions of the file (even file versions deleted before the actual file was deleted and out into the bin). So If you have a file with 5 versions, delete the 3rd version and delete the file later – restoring from the bin will restore all the versions including the 3rd.
What files go in the Files Bin?
The current approach is as follows:
- If a task is deleted it will be in the tasks bin and its files in the files bin.
- If a discussion/event/milestone (anything but a task) is deleted – files will NOT be in the Files bin
- If a file in a discussion/event/milestone (anything but a task) is deleted – this file will be in the Files bin
- If a comment is deleted – files will NOT be in the Files bin
- If a file in a comment is deleted – this file will be in the Files bin
Which files a user can see/restore in/from the Files Bin
- a user can see files allowed by permissions (see more how permissions in the Files app work here);
- if a user doesn’t have access to the Files app – no access for Files Bin is allowed;
- a user can restore a file if has the right to edit it permission-wise.
Files relations with items/comments they were attached to
During restoration, we check the existence of the item/comment the file belongs to. If the comment exists, we also check the item’s existence.
Possible cases here:
- the item is linked to an item – discussion/event/milestone (anything but a task)
- an item exists – link is saved
- an item no longer exists – link is cleared, the restored file appears as uploaded to the Files app directly
- the item is linked to a task
- a task is active – link is saved
- a task is in the Tasks Bin – link is cleared, the restored file appears as uploaded to the Files app
- the file is linked to a comment:
- a comment exists and the item is active – the link is saved
- a comment exists but linked to a task is in the Tasks Bin – link is cleared, the restored file appears as uploaded to the Files app
- a comment is deleted now – the link is cleared, the restored file appears as uploaded to the Files app
How to access Trash Bin for Files
To access Trash Bin for files, go to the Files application in a project then click the settings icon (1) and select (2).

You can also find this information as well as learn about Tasks Bin on our documentation.