📱 Mobile Application – Fantastic New Updates
After a significant investment re-writing our Rich Text Editor, we’ve added some great new features and optimized the interface. Making sure we comply with Google’s new requirements. We finally released new versions on Android and iOS.
The new editor nows matches it’s Web counterpart almost feature by feature. Such as the ability to attach and insert inline images, mention people, and some fun new goodies to update the background/foreground text color.
🔑 Face ID / Touch ID & Fingerprint Authentication!
If your device has one of these features, getting logged into Freedcamp is now faster and more secure.
Google’s one-click login is now using not a browser-based authorization but your Google Play accounts on Android version only.
Added new option to task list context menu […] (1) and filters (2).
Swipe left actions in tasks expanded. You have access to add a subtask (1), edit (2), and more (3), which expands to give you also delete and view options. This is the first step to expand and add all the options web interface provides – copy or move, shift dates, etc. in the future.
🔎 Filters, sorting & saved searches!
A hint is displayed when filters are selected, and you will notice the lighter colored icon indicating no filters applied. If you only change the sorting order, the icon will remain unchanged.
We also added filters to the Calendar Board.

You have access to saved searches you create in the web interface (1) and all filter (2) and sort (3) options are supported. You can create new saved searches (and they will be available in the web interface), modify or delete existing ones or add new ones. We called saved searches ‘Favorites‘.
When you selected favorite filter, changed it and want to save – you will be given an option to overwrite or save it with a new name (1) which makes it easy to create new favorites based on exiting ones. Selected filters and sorting options are highlighted (2) – you can always see what criteria were used for filtering tasks.
All the above also applies to the Calendar Board.
✍️ Writing
We added an option to always access ‘add a new comment’ option when inside a task view (1). You can also attach files(2) or open reach editor (3).
Our new reach editor has almost all options available in a browser. You can expand to see all options by tapping … , as shown above. You can now upload and insert inline images in your posts.
✔️ Preview

Whether you write a task description or a comment in reach editor you always have a chance to preview the final result before saving it with preview. Tap when adding or editing a task (1) or use ‘EDIT’ (2) to go back to editing mode. You can attach files directly from the preview screen (3) or remove the attached files (4).
💬 Comments
We extended and plan to improve a context menu […] (1).
You can reply to comments now (2) – original text will be added quoted and reach editor will open.
You can also sort comments (3) and it will apply to all places mobile in the application until changed by you.
🧷 Attachments
Files attached to comments are collapsed now to let you have uninterrupted reading experience while still seeing that files are attached. Please use (1) to expand or the details.
You can see inline images inside comments and tap to zoom in. You have now access to a context menu (2) as well as the ability to attach a new (3) without editing a comment.
Attachments section (1) will tell you how many files attached.
We do not yet support linking from cloud drives – Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, but do display such files attached in the web interface (2). You can download or delete such attachments (3). We plan to add support to open such files to view via associated applications or web browser in one of the future releases.
🌐 Time Zone updates
We synced and use the same time zones on mobile and web applications and now also will prompt you to update timezone if we detect a change between your Freedcamp settings and time on your device. This helps to make nothings happens in the past or future while you travel 🙂
🔔 Notifications – hint
Our Notification page has swipe left and right actions. Sometimes all you need to know is already on a page and there is no need to tap to expand. Another use case to swipe left to open a task.
Tasks only are supported and other apps will prompt to open Freedcamp in your mobile device browser for now.