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Sponsor feature development

We, at Freedcamp, started our journey as a freemium business and want to ​keep providing a free​ tool for our users​. ​We ​offer free features ​that let you fully manage all ​of ​your projects with as many people as you need​ – no strings attached.​

Most freemium businesses were able to attract substantial capital to build their product without thinking of revenues. This hasn’t happened to us (yet), but we are not going to quit​! We will continue to strive ​to be the simplest and most intuitive product on the market.

This ​has ​forced us to look for new and unconventional ways to source Freedcamp’s development. We started talking ​with​ our passionate business users​ and​ ​​asking for feature sponsorship​,​ which are in fact in our roadmap, where we knew we can not deliver them fast enough.​ Of course it is a secret what ​we’re​ cooking behind the scenes​,​ but you will hear about ​new features​ ​as they are released​.​

You can sponsor pretty much any​ feature​ that the community could benefit from.​ Let’s shake hands and make Freedcamp better together! Please contact ​to discuss how we can build a better product together.
