Tag Archives: tips & hints

Microproductivity: How to Break Big Tasks Into Smaller Pieces in Project Management

breaking tasks into smaller pieces

We’ve all been there before. You’re starting a huge project, whether it’s a work assignment or a home improvement project, and you have no idea where to begin. It can be overwhelming to try to tackle a big task all

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Honey, I shrunk the Kanban columns


You can switch between three types of views in Kanban from very brief to detailed. Also, all three Kanban columns can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on its header. If you noticed that all of your tasks become very

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How advanced subtasks work in Kanban view


You can use drag and drop to move subtasks around. However moving subtasks from one column to another means that you also detach them from a parent task. If dragged and dropped subtasks can become a top level tasks well.

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