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Freedcamp iOS – invitation to install and test

The Freedcamp beta app for iOS is available for everyone to install from AppleStore. To get an access please email your Apple ID email (note – it can be different from your Freedcamp email) and we will add you to the beta testing programme. Once you get an invitation from Apple, please install TestFlight application and click a link inside email invitation to be able to access and install the beta version.

Please note that application has featured current iOS application does not have but also misses some function you can access now. A while ago we decided to develop our Android and iOS applications using the same code base. It will allow us to improve speed and release new functions much faster. We will release new iOS application from beta to live only after we will re-add Calendar Board and ability to add subtasks you currently have in the current Freedcamp iOS application. As a beta tester, you will get access to these functions in the new beta application as soon it is added and released by us.

What is missing in beta (consider it as a temporary downgrade)?

– Notifications page (we will bring new notifications page you use now to both platforms soon)
– My tasks across all projects view (in beta iOS app you have access to your Recap from the Dashboard – covers the next 7 calendar days and your overdue items)
– Calendar Board (coming before this app will be generally released)
– Adding subtasks (coming before this app will be generally released)
– Inviting people to a project

Please let us know what functions from the list above are most important for you in the app.


(1) Recent projects are in sync between web and mobile versions
(2) You can now switch between Favorite and Recent projects
(3) Overdue and Upcoming items are exactly matching what you will see on Recap page in Freedcamp or in a daily/weekly Recap email.

Recap – Overdue and Upcoming

(1) you will see the same sections here as browser version provide pointing your attention on deadlines missed (2).
Most importantly Overdue and Upcoming sections will show all the items web version supports so you won’t miss your stuff on the go – issues, events, milestones, CRM tasks, and calls. When you click not yet supported items application will ask you if you want to open hem in a browser on your phone.

Projects Board

You can now set favorite projects (1). We also added filters (2). You can also how many projects in each category are.


We reviewed, tested and make sure that users with limited permissions ‘User’, ‘Guest’ or ‘Read-Only’ can never see interface elements they have no access.

Add a new project

We only show project groups where you have access right to do so. So obvious but were missing.

Add a task

You can add a task description and set a task status. Previously you had to add a task and save it first to set those.

Inline Comments

You can add a comment without opening advanced text editor – just type your message and hit ‘Post’


We added the following functions:
– attach files from your device to tasks and comments, including iCloud
– capture an image and attach it
– delete attachments from tasks and comments
– tap to zoom in an image with the ability to ‘share’ and save images to your device

– as a trial – we added the ability to add image inline to a task description. Right now you will need to attach an image to a task, save, edit and tap an attachment thumbnail to see insert inline options (full, medium or thumbnail).

Private Cloud

Our Enterprise users running Freedcamp on own domain in a private cloud environment can use mobile applications by providing their Freedcamp domain URL once when signing up or logging in.


We are working now on the next release with Calendar Board, which will also support all the items we support in the web version (events, issues, milestones, CRM tasks/calls) and ability to add subtasks.