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Public Projects

You and your team use Freedcamp to keep projects organized, hit deadlines, and ensure that you have a plan for the future.

Take advantage of this new feature to help spread awareness about your work and make a project Public!

Public projects are a great way to get your message out to your community. Use one as a marketing platform or a public roadmap. The possibilities are endless.

As long as your project remains public you receive access to the following premium apps and features regardless of the plan you are using including our Free plan:

  • Subtasks Pro (Minimalist plan and above)
  • Start date (Minimalist plan and above)
  • Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox integrations (Minimalist plan and above)
  • FileEdit (Business plan and above)
  • The Gantt View (Business plan and above)
  • Wiki Application (Business plan and above)
  • Issue Tracker (Business plan and above)
  • Project Overview (Enterprise plan)

When a project is made public in Freedcamp, we allow search engines to crawl the project so that they can include it in their search results. When you make your project public, your users can use a search engine to find the project.

Learn More.