Happy Anniversary, Freedcamp turns 1
Happy Anniversary Freedcampers!
I am honored and privileged to be writing this post and to be able to say that it has been a year since we launched Freedcamp to the world. Thats 365 days or 8,760 hours of free project management. Now multiply that by our 54,000+ users and you will understand the scale to which Freedcamp has grown.
The Freedcamp team has achieved a lot, sacrificed a ton, and moved innovation forward. I stand here this day proud for what my fellow co-workers and I have been through and where we are today. I look back at thousands of emails from happy users, a couple of occasions where our servers went down momentarily, so many experiences so much passion. I see a bright future for all of us, here at Freedcamp, and to our users who know what collaboration is. We couldn’t of done it without you, the user.
I don’t want to make this a long post, because the message is simple. We did it. Many doubted our ability to both remain free and stay up, we did. Many expected us to achieve great things and make project management simple, we did. But what’s more important is that we continue doing it every day.
Tonight we celebrate that free software does exist, and that good people can make good things happen.
Salute dear user, we are pleased to have you!
Angel Grablev
Freedcamp CEO