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August Updates

Freedcamp August release
Freedcamp August Updates
Making your life easier.
Freedcamp August release
Issue TrackerCheck out the redesign of our Bug Tracker into the new Issue Tracker. This application is sure to streamline the way you handle Issues within your projects.
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Freedcamp August release
Advanced PasswordsWe are adding an extra layer of security for the passwords you store in the Password Manager application! You can now set a master password that is not stored on our servers and only you know.
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Freedcamp August release
Multi-File UploadYou can now upload multiple files inside the Files application at once. Instantly choose which group to add them into and enjoy your assets organized all in one place. You can also move multiple files between groups after you uploaded them and delete multiple files.
Freedcamp August release
Projects WidgetYou can now quickly access your projects and apps via a widget. Additionally you can choose what sorting order to see your projects in.
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Freedcamp August release
Meet our CEO Angel GrablevRead his interview in Founders Grid“Run every aspect of your business in one place”